When one wants to post you opinion KPAX website. one has to remember to not dare bring up some of the ugly truths about Missoula, Montana. KPAx actually ran a story that questioned whether the Dave Mathews Band would really be giving a concert at the Macy's Building in Downtown , Missoula.
First of all, how can a news department be confused on whether the flyer is legitimate. What kind of news hounds do they have at KPAX anyway? They say they are actually not sure if the flyer is legitimate or not. What? What kind of elementary school journalism skills does this station practice?
Wait, i can answer that, I have experienced doing camera work for ABC's All My Children, One life to Live, Professional Football, Baseball, NCAA Basketball and Football in a top 10 market.
The differences are many. One difference is that in these markets one actually gets to see more than white people working on the events. Diversity adds to expansion of ideas and opinions. Also , unlike KPAX, they do not pay chump change to their news staff and camera crews.
If you watched some of the University of Montana Football games on TV. One would be confused on whether the director was having his inexperrienced camera crew shoot the manicured lawn rather than the action on the field.
Let's get back to KPAX and their news-hounds in depth reporting on whether Dave Mathews band is coming to Missoula or not. Is this KPAX. Hey, news-hounds, The joke is not the flyer ! w cannot get the truth from such a story.
This also is way more important to KPAX and the rest of the sad news outlets in Missoula whohy does talent not wanna come to Missoula? Why does Governor Schweitzer appoint unqualified people to run the state arts office and what the Montana Office of Film and Television does to earn their paycheck? Ill never know
The truth is that we ahve a state Government made up of people who think they are way more important than they really are. They also tend to think that an appointment to an arts position with the state or city somehow injects you with knowledge and experience in arts and culture.
Truth be told is taht these are a bunch of white people who don't know hip hop from bunny hops,and or Karl marx from Groucho Marx. In a state and city that is totally out of touch with cultural diversity and ethnic diversity. It is no wonder that top talent , especially Black, Chicano, etc, Do not want to perform in Missoula.
Hey Missoulain, KPAX, I am an Italian, as in it-tal-ian...I am not an eye-talian, I don't even know where eye ta lee is. Much to the surprise of many of these media hounds and arts persons who have said to me. How can you be eye-talian and Jewish? err, not that hard, one is a religion and one is a nation.
To complete my short review of the Montana and Missoula Media and Arts committees.
I posted my thoughts on the KPAX website. But, this what one gets when one dares to challenge the Missoula Mainstream Media with an intelligent thought about whitelandia and it's lack of diversity or professionalism.
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Apparently offering an opinion about lack of diversity is inflammatory.
The joke is that you sad inexperienced news cre
sorry for spelling mistakes, how do i edit?